Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Being Student In India

We all know in education India's ranking is not good . In literacy rate India's ranking is 168 out of 234 according to the global human capital report . but good thing is it's increasing . In some state like Kerala the literacy rate is 93.3% . Indian students are smart and intelligent but they suffers from some problem down below...

Increasing education fees

Increasing fees is a big problem India's student face. We all know most of the indians are belong to meddle class or poor people their monthly income is not more than 12000 .
So then can't afford the cost of education so they don't let their child to school or collage for high fee of the instute . In some instute student protest and became voilent but the  Indian government remain quite and don't wanna talk about those serious topic. 


India suffers for unemployment from the time of independence . We saw some increase but it's not enough where most of the people is students or between 25 to 35.
So India have the most number of students in the world . So every year thousand of students became Graduate and complete their Masters but after that they became a part of job less india. Government can't provide them job even the private company can't . So the whole situation  is worst then you think . 


Report says 21% Indian students suffers frome depression . According to 2015 data from National Crime Record Bureau approx 8934 students are committed suicide  every year, because of unemployment and the rapidly increase of their fees.

At the end students is the feature of our country.so our government should take a step on this issue , And they should play more attention on it . They should spend more money on education sactor . India only used less than 3% of their GDP on education. Where other countries spend at least 10 % we spend only 3% we all should think about it and mainly our government should think. 

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Because of covid - 19 pandemic me and my family going through a lot . In India it's incresing every day . We need help I need help and o...