Monday, June 22, 2020

India china situation

India and China are two giants in Asia . Including LAC(Line of Actual Control) and McMahan line this two country share 4056 km long border in Himalayan mountains range . Since 1947 from the time when India got independence those two country held four wars between them . Where 1962 is the most important one.
Present days another war situation build in the border of China in ladakh .

Reason of this situation 

If we want to know in details we have to go back in 1962 when China occupaied Tibet and say it is a part of China , and also demanding some part of Kashmir known as Aksai chin .

This is where the whole problem started and still unsolved . In 1962 china send their troops in Kashmir and war begin . In war India loss and as a result china occupaied some part of Kashmir known as Aksai chin. Because of mountain range border can't be draw properly. So they draw LAC (Line of Actual Control) through the mountains of ladakh. Because of mountain both country don't know where the actual border is . So two country have different outlook about their border.

Because of this different outlook those countries have overlapping territory between them . This territory is about 10 km long over Pangong lake in ladakh. Both country demand this 10 km territory and create a war situation .

If war happen effect 

No one truely wants war . War is not a solution of anything. But if it happens then it would be a massive disaster for whole world. Two country have nuclear weapons if it used then earth would badly effected by radiation.

Many species who lives in Himalayan mountain range will totally lost their existence. Those countries gonna face a massive economical crisis . Many people die because lack of food . 
Thousands people will killed and thousands will lose their shelter to live .

Thanks for reading🙏🏻 if you like it share with your friends . 

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